
four years of awesomeness

four years ago, this beautiful and spirited girl came into our lives. my smart, sassy, spunky and beautiful girl emilia.

and what better way to end her birthday then to venture up the hill for sunset wearing her new wings and dress and try to catch the wind with her vintage schwinn tricycle.

san jose family photographer, golden hour, girl in a field, girl with butterfly wingssan jose family photographer, golden hour, girl in a field, girl with butterfly wingssan jose family photographer, golden hour, girl in a field, girl with butterfly wingssan jose family photographer, vintage, vintage scwhinn tricycle, sunset, golden hour, wingssan jose family photographer, vintage, girl on vintage scwhinn tricycle, sunset, golden hour, wingssan jose family photographer, vintage, girl on vintage scwhinn tricycle, sunset, golden hoursan jose family photographer, vintage, girl on vintage scwhinn tricycle, sunset, golden hoursan jose family photographer, vintage, girl on vintage scwhinn tricycle, sunset, golden hour

happy happy birthday to my girl. my baby. my muse.

and of course, have to include a shot of my other two muses and loves 🙂

father and baby silhouette pose, sunset, pose, san jose family photographer, lifestyle,

Photos by Kim E

Photos by Kim E

San Jose Photographer serving Bay Area

Family Fun Photographer | Authentic Business Branding Photos

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