
superhero twins one year photo session – san jose photographer

the twins one year photo session! i can’t believe that they’re almost one! it feels like yesterday that i was photographing their announcement and their seven month session. can time just please slow down?

san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e

mom started planning their one year super hero themed birthday party quite awhile ago (maybe when they were a few months young) so it was perfect to combine that theme into their one year photo session. plus since we had the session at the same location as their pregnancy announcement session, we wanted to include a hot air balloon again.

happy almost one year birthday you little superheroes and hope you enjoy the sneak peek!

san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim esan jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim esan jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim esan jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e

* we really thought that the twins would cause mayhem with their cake. well this was about as messy as it got ha!san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e

san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e

san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e

and for fun, here’s are my favorite then and now photos 🙂

san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e

san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e san jose photographer - one year birthday session - family photographer - twins - one year - superhero theme family photo shoot - family of five - superhero twins - birthday - san jose family photographer - photos by kim e

awesome headband: alexandra rose:

superhero shirts: west of wonderland:

Photos by Kim E

Photos by Kim E

San Jose Photographer serving Bay Area

Family Fun Photographer | Authentic Business Branding Photos

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